Vision Of LPAM


The Uses And Vision Of LPAM As A Service


Perhaps this should be titled, Not For Unequal Advantages.


In regards to the vision that many have had regarding the need for LPAM. The consensus that has brewed up, is for a LPAM class of power of 10 watts RMS for use with Amplitude Modulation and for a rule for allowing 50 foot high antennas, etc.


Further, LPAM should not be construed with the merits or rules of LPFM in any way and the vision of one should not be seen as being the vision of the other. Nor are the two to be considered alike in any way. LPAM is seen as being for use for various other views and visions more encompassing than that of the LPFM vision.


Those who want to use LPAM want it to be such that it includes not specifying content. And so, any network content should be allowed so long as the content is not violating the FCC Rules on profanity which is socially unacceptable. And thus, commercial content should be allowed also. Hence it is not of interest to make the LPAM Service into a non commercial service and hence only corporation entities then would have the advantage as being those who are a 501 c 3 non profit corporation.


Two individuals lately speaking of the merits of corporations have tried to make it seem as if I am in support of the FCC controlling LPAM station content if LPAM is ever launched. This however is not the case. As is mentioned in my comments on Administrative Revenue Applications, where I mention examples of possible future revenue potentials for the FCC Servicing of a LPAM Service. The idea of controlling the content does not fit into the means whereby I demonstrate nearly $750,000 a year revenue from the LPAM Service ranks for the Administration's needs to regulate and service the LPAM Broadcast Service. Hence content can be anything reasonable and this includes commercials.


The comments and views of two individuals who are pro corporation advocates, in a forum of 100 or more members who are not or undecided, is not a cross section majority consensus. And as LPAM forums grow, the majority will favor an equal advantage over narrow special interest advantages. As they see what is at stake in the original ideas for the need of a LPAM Service.


Content then should include alternative media networks or major media broadcasters if a station chooses. And this will allow for those who wish to offer up some non mainstream and hence alternative network media to do so. And thus be fair with allowing non mainstream alternative media a place for sampling by the Public. And notice this includes the use of major mainstream medias if the LPAM station so desires.


We only ask that no LPAM station be allowed to receive subsidies, compensation, income, revenues and or gifts from any media network it carries. And thus not be an affiliate of or a partner of any corporation. And in this wise major media will not be able to snatch up and influence the LPAM Service. And this will benefit the visions for more home spun and localized medias and alternative information medias. And so, will provide more Localism by it's mere existence if it can ever come into being.


Before we go off looking at turning LPAM into a place that is a totally "special interest driven realm." I want to make sure that all of the free speech issues are resolved. And the freedom to carry content that is not restricted exclusively to non commercial and hence non network content is realized. I want to insure that the idea of the greater good that LPAM can have for the vast cross section of the general Public is enabled.


And so, any "special interest" driven views for an incorporated entity should not be have to be included. Since the idea herein of LPAM is for the greater majority use in the private citizen sector. And though it might upset those who want to launch all sort of tax exempt entities for raking in the cash through the cause of LPAM. And those entities can not fathom their exclusion. Those of us who are the average Joe so to speak, want an equalized advantage. And so, that advantage comes with LPAM allowing commercial content on behalf of each LPAM station owner and not allowing corporations to own stations who would completely utilize every corporation scheme to take the realm over.


I am talking about a corporation free zone throughout via these extremely low powered AM stations.


If the LPAM service is not user friendly, and thus is made only to service the good of 501 c 3 corporations. Then only the corporations will have the advantage of using LPAM and that is not the vision of the original need of LPAM.


Now the vision of LPAM does allow for local churches and local social groups, clubs, and local special interest groups to be able to have a LPAM Stations if they want and this includes schools. And so, the over all view is one of fairness for those of us wanting to have something that is not influenced and run, nor subsidized by the major corporations and their medias. And so, for a more home spun sort of station that utilizes a much broader resource of information such as alternative networks for media content for a more fully informed Public. And yet, LPAM stations may just want to carry all music which is perfectly fine sorts of content.


LPAM License then should be limited to one per local group and also to one per private individual except remote area rural stations may have two licenses if channel space is available in their area. And if the groups appear to be taking over then we can confine them to a certain spectrum on the dial. And private individual LPAM stations to another part of the spectrum if required.


The over all concern is that a LPAM Service be much more fair in it's vision and service the needs of the vast cross section of the Public and not have to make special interest rules in the body of rules that would benefit some entity with an undue advantage over the rest of the population. And corporations would immediately have that undue advantage in LPAM if allowed to have a license.


We can ask then, why would a corporation of any kind want a little ole' 10 watt RMS station?


Since the corporations are not willing to do the work and support the LPAM idea, only want to come in and try to cut out an advantage for themselves as they see the interest and concern for LPAM grow. We do not feel that they have invested in the cause, but only want an undue advantage in the process of Public debate over the concepts to be used in rule making.


I guess right now the idea of LPAM is an advocacy group opportunity to start up, clubs and leagues through the IRS 501 c 3 non profit corporation status which appeals to a few corporation mind folk.


A membership and a nifty league certificate might be something to put up on someone's wall. And folk can run on off down them sort of avenues and stay down there in them entertained there for a good long while if they want. Who will be out there for as many years as they can to squeeze all the cash out of the cause they can. And not really be wanting to slaughter the cash cow by actually making some Rule Making suggestions.


Those sorts of contributions to leagues and other entities will only lead to a forum of continuous round table talks and a sense that something is being done in those round tables. And if the league is forced by it's members to make Public comments it will be that the comments will be for making things more difficult then they need be so that the league can buy time and make more money. And that is how the corporations get on the band wagon of a good cause and milk it for all it is worth.


Hence such activities are really detrimental to the cause. The actual individuals with passion to offer up drafts for Rule Making Suggestion will not get any support from those leagues. Only allot of rhetorical comments and many counter productive statements directed at their work by a hand full presuming to speak for the majority.


So there are corporations out there being set up now to try and catch everyone coming and going in the cause of LPAM. However corporations are entities and not people and thus are not the general public at large and constitute special interest entities who are not interested in the needs of We The People.


An all 501 c 3 advantaged radio service, which is non commercial, is one in which the content is already restricted and controlled.


Without commercial content being allowed and only non commercial applications being the nature of a radio service. Then the content will be limited to not allowing the full time airing of any network of any kind. Since those networks may have commercials spots they carry.


And so to carry such a network. Perhaps an innovative alternative media network for instance. The audio stream will have to have all of it's commercial spots edited out. And this is work placed on those who wish to carry information driven content. And this limits the LPAM stations to restrictions placed upon them.


Hence the idea of a non commercial service is for the use only of 501 c 3 entities where the content is controlled and censored from carrying such things as a commercial alternative network media.


Be careful what you ask for!


Whatever the vision you have of LPAM is, if it is the one above then it is not inclusive of the needs of the average Public individual who should be able to use LPAM for any content application they choose. And so, non commercial ideas and 501 c 3 ideas are already placing restrictions and limitations and controls on the media content. And thus, the 501 c 3 corporations will have all of the advantage.


In turn, if corporations are allowed to have a LPAM license. Then before long every political group in every area and every religious group as well as every nation wide special interest group will have the licenses bought up, and the average individual with a vision for a station may not find a spot in their area open on the dial for a station. And so, this will bar the general Public from obtaining a license and make them disadvantaged. And likewise the LPAM licenses should never be auctioned.


So the idea of LPAM is simple and should be left uncomplicated by not filling up the scheme of Rules to be made with a bunch of trivial special interest Rules and clauses that will also lead to undesired Servicing applications and labor on the Administration's end to service the various aspects and facets of LPAM if it where to be filled with allot of special interest clauses and rules. Which are but trivia. Hence a future LPAM service should be made in a streamlined fashion with minimal servicing requirements and with little legal loop holes that can lead to troubles and perhaps court battles along the way.


The idea above for the scope of a future LPAM service is one that will fit the majority of the needs of the cross section of the Public and is the most broad spectrum vision for a good and fair service. Meeting the majority of needs without special interest applications for a few to obtain an undue advantage by.


Likewise concepts for such things as local translator stations should never be allowed in LPAM. Keeping the Rules for Administration Service purposes all simple and uncomplicated in scope.


The LPAM service should not be designed up in a un careful way, with haphazard suggestions and hodge podge patch work special applications. And so, the ideas and wants of special interest are not the vast body of interest and needs across the spectrum of the population at large.